The Definitive Directory of Conducting a Tree Inventory

The Definitive Directory of Conducting a Tree Inventory

A tree inventory is a record of the location and features of individual trees, as well as, in some cases, the qualities of their surroundings, within a certain geographic region. In most towns, street trees and trees in municipally-owned parks are included in the inventory of trees. The first stage in creating an urban forest management plan is to conduct a tree inventory.

There must be a tree inventory, as well as planting areas, in order to make effective management choices, such as budget allocations and priorities. By conducting tree inventory, you may find out how many trees are in the right-of-way, how much they contribute to the environment, and where you can plant new trees to fill in the gaps. It may also assist in discovering pest or disease concerns, as well as the needs of newly planted trees for watering, pruning, and other types of management. Here are steps on how to conduct a tree inventory.

Planning Stage

At the first point in the process, you’ll have determined what kinds of data you’ll need and how you’ll put them to use. To identify the best way to gather data, you’ll need to analyze the availability of computers, software, and human resources (drive or walk).

As a final step in this process, you’ll need to figure out how much time, equipment, and money you’ll need to compile an accurate tree inventory.

Application Stage

The subsequent step is the application stage. In this stage, there are several things that you have to do to start your tree inventory. The first is teaching the people to collect the necessary data. You will analyze the data which are collected by the data collectors in the next step. Moreover, you will also have to preserve and input the gathered data to the computer system to keep it secure and make the system work.

Don’t forget to incorporate a variety of tree types and ages into your planting and removal plans. Plan and budget for the removal, planting, and trimming of trees and shrubs each year. When permits are given and tree inventory is finished, do a new inventory of the trees to keep the data current.

Collecting the Required Data

Tree inventory

There is no other method to collect the necessary data but to look at individual trees and capture the data using portable computers or other digital equipment. There are several variables to consider while doing a tree inventory, including just how much of the community will be surveyed, which regions will be finished first, who are the individuals that will collect the data, and what information is required.

Municipalities must next decide how to utilize, manage, and analyze the data after these choices have been made. Listed below are some of the most frequently gathered tree inventory data.

  • GPS coordinates, street name, and building number for the tree’s position;
  • The scientific name or shorthand for the tree species;
  • The circumference of the trunk of the tree;
  • The state of the tree whether it is excellent, fair, poor, or dead/dying;
  • Any trees that need to be trimmed or removed right away;
  • a tree that has to be tended to on a regular basis;
  • The position and quality of suitable tree-planting locations;
  • Utility lines, narrow tree lawns, and other potential limits on planting space;
  • The level of tree impact to pavements and curbs in a particular location.

Conducting Tree Inventory To Help the Community

Organizations can help you in doing a tree inventory. An inventory might be completed with the assistance of one of the numerous arborists and foresters that provide consultation services in the local area. There are several benefits to doing a thorough road and park tree census in order to better understand a society’s trees and forest.

Citizens may support essential measures and prioritize the management of time, technology, and finances when the circumstances are understood. A community tree initiative may be energized by enlisting the cooperation of community leaders and individuals in conducting inventory of trees.

The information gathered may be utilized to establish a municipal tree council, support budget requests, and create a tree plan to guide future management choices and actions.

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